geneontology / helpdesk

The Gene Ontology Helpdesk
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New User Onboarding #436

Closed victorianugnes closed 1 year ago

victorianugnes commented 1 year ago

Welcome to the Gene Ontology!

Name: Victoria Nugnes

Please very briefly describe your relation to the GO:

I am one of DisProt professional biocurator in charge of and reviewer of structural and function (GO) annotations abour intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) in our database

Indicate your role

Expertise for group contacts:

biocurator DisProt IDRs

User info

Onboarding and Training

I have been directed to the GO Onboarding Checklists in the wiki

I have an active account for the wiki

I have started training for Noctua, or have arranged with someone to start Noctua training

Mailing list membership

What's next: We will contact you if we have any questions, and we will close this ticket when have added all the needed permissions.

When you are added as a member of the GO GitHub project, you automatically follow a number of repositories (different ones, depending on your role). By default, emails will be sent for all new and updated tickets. You can reduce this by going to the individual repo, and clicking on the 'eye' icon at the top right of the screen. We strongly recommend:

Not watching: Be notified only when participating (ie when you comment on a ticket or manually watch it) or @mentioned. This is the optimal option to get relevant information. 

Please disregard the checklist below. We will perform these internal tasks using the information provided above as soon as we can.

To-Do by GO

suzialeksander commented 1 year ago

Hi and welcome, @victorianugnes. Most users don't need a GOwiki account, so if at any time you do need one just re-open this ticket or start a new ticket. We've mostly shifted so many agendas, etc. are now G-docs instead of static wiki pages.

Our meetings, including Tuesday annotation calls and the upcoming 2023 Spring GOC meeting, are linked from the Calendar and you should have access now -so if you have any issues let me know.

Internal note: users.yaml not needed, groups.yaml already exists; user already directed to wiki onboarding; wiki account deferred until needed.