geneontology / noctua-form-legacy

Simple annoton editor workbench for Noctua.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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SAE should warn you before allowing you to save with non-autocompleted values present #39

Open krchristie opened 6 years ago

krchristie commented 6 years ago

While the SAE does allow you to autocomplete in extensions fields using pasted in IDs once you have entered a space to activate the autocompletion, it also allows you to forget to autocomplete and just paste the ID into the extension field. This becomes a problem, when it lets you save thinking that you have put in info for an extension, but it saves the GO term WITHOUT the extension info. See model :

If you paste in an ID into an extension field, and do NOT autocomplete it, the SAE allows you to paste the ID in, and prompts you to put in the evidence in the next field, similarly to how it behaves when you enter a space and select from the autocompletion. The onlty difference in appearance is whether or not the SAVE button is active, but this very easy to miss if you are focused on the line you are entering.

ID pasted in but NOT autocompleted, prompting for evidence, allowed to save 20180312-chebi-nonac-evprompt-allowedtosave

ID pasted in and autocompleted, prompting for evidence field, NOT allowed to save 20180312-chebi-ac-notallowedtosave

If you go ahead and complete the evidence and reference for the extension where you have only pasted in the ID without selecting from the autocompletion, you get a form that looks completely legitimate to submit, i.e. no red fields and the SAVE button is active (as shown in image below), but when you save the extension info is missing, as you can see in the graph for this model for DNAH2 Hsap:

ID pasted in but NOT autocompleted, no visible errors, allowed to save 20180312-chebi-nonac-allowedtosave

If I could edit in the SAE, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but since I can't edit the SAE, this is a real problem. It could be like the Graph Editor and just not allow me to fill a blank in the form without selecting from the autocomplete, as shown here: 20180312-ge-nonacerrormess

If you think there are other ways to fix this, I'm open to other solutions. I just want to make sure that I am alerted to the fact that my extension info isn't properly entered BEFORE I hit save.

krchristie commented 6 years ago

Whatever solution implemented for this issue may want to take this ticket into account: