geneontology / noctua-form-legacy

Simple annoton editor workbench for Noctua.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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behavior of DEFAULT annoton form when CC not filled in #60

Closed krchristie closed 6 years ago

krchristie commented 6 years ago

The DEFAULT form does not seem to be doing the right thing when you have cell type and anatomy context information, but no actual CC term.

In this model, I have tried several times to enter this type of situation using the DEFAULT form (and NOT modifying anything via the graph editor), and none of them have resulted in what I think they should have.

Here is attempt 1 (Snx10), where I think I may have clicked in the first CC blank but realized it was the wrong place for a cell type term, but then left it blank because I did not want to enter a CC term: 20180425-defaultentryfromnoccbutcontext

Here is attempt 2 (Shh), where I made sure NOT to click in the first CC blank: 20180425-defaultentryfromnoccbutcontext-2

Here is attempt 3 (Bbs10), where I manually entered a CC term and evidence: 20180425-defaultentryfromnoccbutcontext-3

Here is what showed up in the Table view of the SAE: 20180425-threeresultsfromnoccbutcontext

None of these annotons is displaying correctly in the SAE table view.

Also, the Bbs10 annoton does not look correct in the graph editor 20180425-threeresultsfromnoccbutcontext-graph

since it not made a connection between the MF enabled by Bbs10 entity and the CL and anatomy terms. (The Rbpj present in the model but not shown in the screen shot is a duplicate to confirm that the missing connection is not an error on my part in moving the terms around on the graph).

krchristie commented 6 years ago

The error messages shown in the SAE Table View screenshot above are similar to some I have already described in, where the error message is inaccurate due to incorrectly assuming what kind of term is present. In this case though, all of these CL and EMAPA terms were entered in the correct locations within the DEFAULT form and appear to have not been correctly assigned as extensions of the root CC term.

tmushayahama commented 6 years ago

@vanaukenk @krchristie I have fixed the "if component skipped" part and the error message will continue ithere