geneontology / noctua-models

This is the data repository for the models created and edited with the Noctua tool stack for GO.
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Prototype test model from Reactome curator DB for NYC meeting #259

Closed dustine32 closed 1 year ago

dustine32 commented 1 year ago

A one-off GO-CAM for testing curation changes made by @deustp01 in the Reactome curator interface. Part of the prep for the Reactome meeting next week working to improve the blank molecular event nodes in pathway models.

This R-HSA-9842908 pathway doesn't exist yet in the noctua-models repo since it's still new (pre-release) to Reactome.

@kltm We're sort of using noctua-dev here as a sandbox and will probably have some more one-off model changes/tests next week during the Reactome meetings Wed-Fri. We understand every reload means about an hour of downtime for noctua-dev.

Also tagging @ukemi @vanaukenk

kltm commented 1 year ago

@dustine32 Assuming that @vanaukenk and @ukemi have no issues otherwise, feel free to merge and restart as needed.

dustine32 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @kltm! I just realized there's even a ticket for this: