geneontology / noctua-visual-pathway-editor

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The VPE sometimes does not save a model #41

Open pgaudet opened 2 years ago

pgaudet commented 2 years ago


We expect models to be saved automatically when using the VPE. However sometimes even after only working with the VPE, there is a red 'x' next to the model, like it has not been saved. An example is 62f58d8800001738

We cannot easily reproduce this, it happens occasionally, but maybe @tmushayahama can see in the saved operations what may explain this.

Thanks, Pascale

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Swiss-Prot curators continue to see this. This seems random, we cannot find a pattern.

We can send you unsaved models next time - would that help? other suggestions to troubleshoot this?

vanaukenk commented 1 year ago

I am noticing this as well during the lead up to the Noctua maintenance outages.

These are all the models I had to save before the 2022-12-15 outage:


On the Noctua admin site, all of these models apparently had recent (i.e. the past few days) activity, but on the Noctua landing page, their date last updated was often several months ago.

@tmushayahama @kltm - if this happens again before the next outage, should we look at this together?

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Just wondering, I am pretty sure I opened the yeast ergsterol model, but did not make any changes. Could this cause issues?

kltm commented 1 year ago

Not for the curators, but the only "true" test of whether or not something got saved is whether or not the changes propagate to GH. I.e.: We can always work backwards from there.

vanaukenk commented 1 year ago

Thanks @kltm This will help us devise a testing strategy.

kltm commented 1 year ago

Noting that the save frequency, with Jim's changes, is now 5 minutes max between "save" and appearing in GH.

vanaukenk commented 2 months ago


I was looking at this issue again since it has come up for Val.

From some testing on the VPE, I see that if I add something new to an unsaved model, the save status automatically updates to saved on the Noctua landing page.

However, if I edit an existing term on a model in the VPE, I can see the edit in the model, but the save status changes to unsaved on the Noctua landing page, and even an hour later, after repeated refreshes of the landing page and the browser page, the save status hasn't updated to saved.

The one difference between the two actions on the VPE is that when I add something new, I have to click 'Save' in the annotation window pop-up (and I get a message that the update was created successfully) but when I make an edit, there is no 'Save' button to click, I just close the editorial window and see the update on the canvas and don't get a message that the update was successfully made.