geneontology / obographs

Basic and Advanced OBO Graphs: specification and reference implementation
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Add some way to distinguish object properties from annotation properties #24

Open dosumis opened 7 years ago

dosumis commented 7 years ago

There is no obvious way to distinguish between OPs and APs in the current version of OBO graphs.

 {'id': '',
  'lbl': 'IUPAC NAME',
  'type': 'PROPERTY'},
 {'id': '',
  'lbl': 'tracheates',
  'meta': {'definition': {'val': 'The relationships that holds between a trachea or tracheole and an anatomical structure that is contained in (and so provides an oxygen supply to).',
    'xrefs': ['FBC:DOS']},
   'xrefs': [{'val': 'RO:0002004'}]},
  'type': 'PROPERTY'}

It would be very useful if there was. If it is too late to change the allowable contents of the 'type' slot, could this instead be done by adding an new field?

dosumis commented 7 years ago

(Aside: IUPAC_NAME URI mess is presumably an artifact of fbbt import chain + OBO2OWL conversion.)

dosumis commented 7 years ago

Presumably conversion from obographs to OWL would depend on this distinction being unambiguous.

cmungall commented 7 years ago

Well, it's possible to go from RDF to OWL without explicit declarations, but the OWLAPI does dark magic here.

+1 to explicit declarations

Just looking to see if there is a standard enum to be used in the OWLAPI. Currently using RDF.PROPERTY.