geneontology / obographs

Basic and Advanced OBO Graphs: specification and reference implementation
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Missing property nodes for preds in go basic #48

Open MrCreosote opened 4 years ago

MrCreosote commented 4 years ago

There appear to be some pred definitions in go basic that don't have corresponding property nodes. I believe there were also some val values that were missing property nodes as well that Seth found - IAO_0000277 I think? That could be wrong though.

go-basic was downloaded from obo foundry a few hours ago.

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In [1]: import json                                                             

In [2]: gobasic = json.loads(open('go-basic.json').read())                      

In [3]: g = gobasic['graphs'][0]                                                

In [4]: prop_map = {n['id']: n['lbl'] for n in g['nodes'] if n['type'] == 'PROPE
   ...: RTY'}                                                                   

In [5]: len(prop_map)                                                           
Out[5]: 24

In [6]: # checked all edge preds against prop_map, no issues. No edges have meta

In [7]: def recurse_obj(obj, preds): 
   ...:     for field in obj: 
   ...:         if field == 'pred': 
   ...:             preds.add(obj['pred']) 
   ...:         elif isinstance(obj[field], list): 
   ...:             for o in obj[field]: 
   ...:                 # no lists of lists in obograph schema 
   ...:                 if isinstance(o, dict): 
   ...:                     recurse_obj(o, preds) 
   ...:         elif isinstance(obj[field], dict): 
   ...:             recurse_obj(obj[field], preds) 

In [8]: preds = set()                                                           

In [9]: for o in g['nodes']: 
   ...:     recurse_obj(o, preds) 

In [10]: for p in preds: 
    ...:     print(p, ' -> ', prop_map.get(p)) 
    ...:                                                                 ->  has_scope  ->  has_alternative_id
hasBroadSynonym  ->  None  ->  has_obo_namespace  ->  None  ->  consider  ->  shorthand  ->  None  ->  None  ->  term replaced by
hasRelatedSynonym  ->  None
hasExactSynonym  ->  None
hasNarrowSynonym  ->  None

In [11]: # IAO_231 is missing, which seems concerning. Not sure if the missing i
    ...: s_* are as concerning