geneontology / project-management

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Redo NEO pipeline #52

Open kltm opened 1 year ago

kltm commented 1 year ago
Project link

Project description

Redo NEO pipeline: more entities, scalable, and folded into main pipelines.



Project owner (PO)


Technical lead (TL)


Other personnel (OP)


Technical specs


Other comments


pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Could we also add:

kltm commented 1 year ago

@pgaudet I'm not really sure of the scope of the first bullet. If it's another not-too-large list, it would be easy to add and could be bundled. If it was larger and approached scalability problems, it might be better added to an eventual (discussed elsewhere) rewrite of the very silly NEO infrastructure that we're using. The second bullet is more of a Noctua and outage question than a technical or software question--we can produce NEO loads however past we want, but we specifically cut back to meet the cadence of the Noctua outages to keep messaging clear (tagging @vanaukenk). I was imagining this pre-project, lifted from a larger "super" ticket from a while ago, as more about cutting back on the proliferation of independent pipelines and the associated overhead.