geneontology / project-management

Tracking project metadata in the GO as issues.
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Add pathways widget and GO-CAM landing to AmiGO pages #66

Closed kltm closed 9 months ago

kltm commented 1 year ago
Project link

Project description

This project is to scoped to

This is a follow-up to Patrick's previous work here:

We will work with the POs to make the (minimal) changes to AmiGO necessary to support this (this is not meant to be a major push in AmiGO) using current technology and stack.



Product owner (PO)


Technical lead (TL)


Other personnel (OP)

Patrick, Seth (, Tremayne)

Technical specs

N/A All remaining work is an extension of what we currently have and review is not necessary at this time.

Other comments

Noting previous

kltm commented 1 year ago

@kltm Bump start this; contact Patrick

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Some test version can be presented at the GOC meeting

kltm commented 1 year ago

@vanaukenk @ukemi , @pkalita-lbl has made some very nice progress, which is now visible at: . @cmungall Has also suggested adding the tab to term pages, which I've added to "Discussion". I think we're at the point where we (you all at least) should meet and figure out next steps.

vanaukenk commented 1 year ago

Neato! Thanks @kltm and @pkalita-lbl I just checked my favorite gene, pmk-1, which has two models. At a quick glance, they look good, but it looks like we're using the older pathway preview rather than Tremayne's updated version?

pkalita-lbl commented 1 year ago

That's right, it is using a slightly older version of the widget. The latest version(s) have technical dependencies that make it incompatible with AmiGO. It's possible we could work around it in AmiGO, but it might be less effort to rework those dependencies in the widget for a future version.

ukemi commented 1 year ago

I just searched on one of my favorite genes Pkm Mus musculus (MGI:MGI:97591). It should at least bring back gomodel:5745387b00001516, but returns zero models.

pkalita-lbl commented 1 year ago

Yeah, another big caveat is that anything with an MGI ID won't work right now. The new API that backs this needs a fix so that it can resolve MGI:MGI:xxxxx identifiers (in addition to MGI:xxxxx as it currently expects).

pkalita-lbl commented 1 year ago

@ukemi The MGI: prefix has been worked out in the new API and the Pkm models should be showing up now.

ukemi commented 1 year ago

Beautiful! For now I also see the gene-centric models, but at some point we should not display those. A first step might be to use the same filtering criteria that is used other places to assign 'causal model' status. It's not ideal, but a good first step.

pkalita-lbl commented 1 year ago

Chris also pointed that out. I've already made the change, but it's not deployed on amigo-staging yet.

kltm commented 1 year ago

Talking with @pkalita-lbl yesterday, I believe that no tech doc is needed for the remaining parts of this project.

pgaudet commented 1 year ago
kltm commented 1 year ago

Rescoped; now also see

kltm commented 11 months ago

Getting this out live will need to wait on the merged GO API hitting production:

tmushayahama commented 10 months ago

Just to note, when LP left I was told to create a GOCAM browser landing page as a web component and it was in working but got abandoned

Tagging @kltm @pkalita-lbl

pgaudet commented 9 months ago

Hi Pascale,

David and I can do this, but we will need input from Seth (cc'ed here) and perhaps other GO software people.

On two previous manager's calls (8/30 and 9/13), we noted that finishing the pathways widget project was dependent on some of the API refactor work.

Seth, let us know if you have time before Wednesday to touch base about this. Next Monday or Tuesday would work for me; tomorrow is mostly booked.

Thanks, --Kimberly

kltm commented 9 months ago

[Bringing in email thread]

[@pgaudet] As mentioned, as far as I'm concerned, this project has no active parts that can proceed without the production deployment of the new GO API. There is no more work here for anybody but myself and Sierra; the remaining work is probably on the order of half an hour.

While the new GO API--which is required for any further action--is /technically/ deployed, it has some data issues and may need to be withdrawn (; GO API project currently, but may more to general bug later today) until Sierra can take a look at it. For this reason, we have not proceeded with updating everything to point at the new pages, etc.

As there is no more functional action from Kimberly and David here, it may make the communication loop shorter and more clear if I'm put on as PO, as there are only technical considerations remaining (delta the documentation ticket for you and Suzi

As an update to the email thread, it looks like we have the GO API fix in that we wanted, so I'll try wrapping up this project in the next day or so.

pgaudet commented 9 months ago

Hi @kltm I changed the PO and assignee to reflect your comment above.

kltm commented 9 months ago

@pgaudet No more active tickets here; closing out.