geneontology / project-management

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Noctua form refactor concealing GO-CAM model #87

Open kltm opened 5 months ago

kltm commented 5 months ago
Project link

Project description

This project aims to ease curators needing to reason about modeling and increase curator throughput in the Noctua form by:

~As an add-on for this project, we'd be piloting automated/augmented testing (i.e. attempting some de-Kimberlification) for the user interface, using Kimberly's outage SOP as an initial basis.~ (noting deferred for the moment; possibly a different project)

While the above are the main deliverable targets, the following will be considered in engineering:

Outside the scope of this project would be:

Deferred topics are:

With this scope and restrictions, we hope to keep this as a "minimal" project, with larger changes, if any, put off to a TBD date.



Product owner (PO)


Technical lead (TL)


Other personnel (OP)

Tremayne, Patrick

Technical specs

Technically, if as above, there are no technical specs necessary as it would be the same scope as the current form.

Other comments

P2GO-like mockup from Kimberly:

Tremayne's initial repo for draft work: