geneontology / pybiopax2gocam

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Create tests comparing input BioPAX to converted output TTL #1

Open dustine32 opened 1 year ago

dustine32 commented 1 year ago

Will commit example input and output for:

Setup some tests that read test input BioPAX and generate data objects similar to (e.g., same reaction count, contains certain GPs) the test output TTL files.

dustine32 commented 1 year ago

@tmushayahama I just committed some example inputs (one YeastPathways) and outputs (one YeastPathways, two for the two Reactome pathways you already had). There are now two resources/test_ folders: test_biopax/ contains the input BioPAX and test_ttl_expected/ contains the expected output TTL.

BTW you can find the YeastPathways models in noctua-dev currently by title-searching for "Saccharomyces". The YeastPathways models all have "imported from: Saccharomyces Genome Database" in their titles.