generateme / cljplot

JVM Clojure charting library
Eclipse Public License 2.0
152 stars 7 forks source link

Circular dependency between and #21

Closed Bost closed 4 years ago

Bost commented 4 years ago
  (:require [cljplot.common :refer :all]
            [cljplot.config :refer :all]
            [cljplot.axis :as axis]
            [cljplot.scale :as s]
            [ :as b]   ;; <----------------- Ugh?
            [fastmath.core :as m]))

I wonder something like this even occurs... Am I doing something differently / something wrong?

genmeblog commented 4 years ago

Ugh... right. Probably my Emacs inserted this after I entered "b/" somewhere. Fixing.

genmeblog commented 4 years ago

Fixed and pushed to clojars.

Bost commented 4 years ago

Thanks! :)

Bost commented 4 years ago

Have you just released a new version without increasing the version number, SRSLY????

$ find ~/.m2 -name "cljplot*.jar" -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum
19d11248f67a99d9f40ab56b01e5e659b03341c7111dffef675d1b870c0580f4  /home/bost/.m2/repository/cljplot.old/cljplot/0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/cljplot-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
19d11248f67a99d9f40ab56b01e5e659b03341c7111dffef675d1b870c0580f4  /home/bost/.m2/repository/cljplot.old/cljplot/0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/cljplot-0.0.2-20200319.151847-9.jar
45940ad8092468fdb1e20e695a38b20ec97390830d05be6a7c8fab61482040d5  /home/bost/.m2/repository/
45940ad8092468fdb1e20e695a38b20ec97390830d05be6a7c8fab61482040d5  /home/bost/.m2/repository/

I'm immensely disappointed... :-( If somebody reports you a problem in the 0.0.2-SNAPSHOP how will you know if it's the old or the new one? Or maybe some even older release(s) of the 0.0.2-SNAPSHOP... ???

Who knows ???

Haven't you seen Spec-ulation Keynote - Rich Hickey ?

genmeblog commented 4 years ago

Hey man, it's a SNAPSHOT. Also it's a WIP and it's a POC which is stated in very first sentence of readme. This library has some serious flaws which are still not solved. That's why it should be treated as unreleased library. To release it fully I need to refactor the whole thing, write the documentation and provide tests, it takes time. Then I can follow some releasing rules.