generateme / cljplot

JVM Clojure charting library
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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how to change the background color of the plot? #5

Closed zcaudate closed 5 years ago

zcaudate commented 5 years ago

It's currently light grayish blue and I want to set it to white.

genmeblog commented 5 years ago

there is a rendering parameter :background.

(r/render-lattice {:width 400 :height 400 :background :white})

genmeblog commented 5 years ago

Just to note, background can be color or image.

Color can be a keyword from this list: or ARGB integer: 0xffaabbcc or CSS string "#bbaacc" or sequence of 3 (r,g,b) or 4 elements (r,g,b,a).

Image can be loaded by (clojure2d.core/load-image "path")

zcaudate commented 5 years ago

sweet. thanks.