generateme / cljplot

JVM Clojure charting library
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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how to set the padding of the labels? #6

Open zcaudate opened 5 years ago

zcaudate commented 5 years ago

current the call

(build/add-label :top title {:font-size 20 :font-style :bold :color "#00c"}) 

adds a title to the graph, but it looks slightly cramped:

Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 1 57 59 pm

is it possible to adjust the label (padding, align, etc?)

genmeblog commented 5 years ago

try :margin (build/add-label :top title {:font-size 20 :font-style :bold :color "#00c" :margin 16})

if you want to change bar labels from keywords change formating (update-scale :x :fmt name)

zcaudate commented 5 years ago

Is there any way of figuring out what the parameters are for each build step?

genmeblog commented 5 years ago

well, most of the parameters are in the config.clj file. But not all of them. I'm rebuilding configuration to be self-documented. So you need wait a while for complete information. In the meantime just drop a message here or on Zulip

zcaudate commented 5 years ago

great. looking forward to it.