genericsimd / generic_simd

Generic SIMD intrinsic to allow for portable SIMD intrinsic programming
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Move non-API document pages from doxygen format to github md format #1

Closed wanghc78 closed 10 years ago

wanghc78 commented 10 years ago

Pages: mainpage programming_guide performance developer_guide history

Note: issues --> move to issues

MD file syntax

wanghc78 commented 10 years ago

All txt docs in docs directory are transformed into md files, and are linked into the If no problem, we can remove the txt docs, and only maintain the md files.

I will also modify the doxygen configuration file, so that doxygen will not include the webpages generated from txt files.

pengwuibm commented 10 years ago

Removed the migrated pages from doxgen configuration file. Newly generated wiki page is published.