genericworkflownodes / GenericKnimeNodes

Base package for GenericKnimeNodes
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Problems not writing a parameter to ini when it's the only one in category #154

Open jpfeuffer opened 7 years ago

jpfeuffer commented 7 years ago

From email correspondence with user (my reply):

Ich hab ein paar Änderungen gemacht, dass wenn ein optionales File (hier: der dritte Input) nicht angegeben ist, dass er das File dann einfach garnicht mit angibt. Das Ding ist, dass das hier der einzige Parameter unter der Kategorie IDMapper:1:spectra ist. Und deswegen wahrscheinlich die ganze Kategorie nicht rausgeschrieben wird.

Since the spectra_in is the only param in the IDMapper:1:spectra category. When this optional input is not given, we do not write it to the ini which is used to call the tool. Seems like the ini writer omits the whole category which the tool does not seems to like. Or something along these lines. We have to investigate and decide on rules which hold for command line and ini calls.

timosachsenberg commented 7 years ago

I just confirmed that this is a GKN issue: both ini and CTD written bei IDMapper contains the entry.

timosachsenberg commented 7 years ago

could it be related to the mandatory "in" parameter and the optional "spectra:in"?

jpfeuffer commented 7 years ago

But it seems like you passed an input file there. It is omitted when it is not given (since it is optional). Or did I overlook something?

jpfeuffer commented 6 years ago

I think I fixed this in the OpenMS side. Could still be done additionally in the INI generator in GKN.