→ genesis deploy thunder-dome.yml
Checking availability of the 'buffalo-lab' BOSH director...
Preparing to deploy thunder-dome to 'buffalo-lab' BOSH director.
- Fetching cloud config from 'buffalo-lab'
Downloading cloud config from 'buffalo-lab' BOSH director...
- Running preflight checks against [thunder-dome]:
[thunder-dome] running cloud-config and environmental parameter checks...
cloud-config [OK]
checking if our certificates match the director static ip (
- secret/thunder/dome/bosh/ssl/server [OK]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/ssl/mbus [MISSING]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/ssl/uaa [INVALID]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/ssl/uaa-sp [MISSING]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/credhub/server [MISSING]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/nats/server [MISSING]
^C - secret/thunder/dome/bosh/nats/director [MISSING]
^C^C[thunder-dome] running manifest viability checks...
^CDied at /Users/jhunt/.geese/genesis line 7.
That's me trying desperately to kill a deployment I issued in error, but instead, hitting all of the safe processes spawned by the secrets check hook. We should mask Ctrl-C for ALL child processes, and handle it in the parent Genesis process, more gracefully.
Genesis now detects Ctrl^C has been hit, but does not yet properly handle stopping, nor setting up state necessary to implement something like genesis resume.
Tried to do this this morning:
That's me trying desperately to kill a deployment I issued in error, but instead, hitting all of the
processes spawned by the secrets check hook. We should mask Ctrl-C for ALL child processes, and handle it in the parent Genesis process, more gracefully.