genesis-release-r-ccs / genesis-2.0

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GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Closed tranpduy87 closed 2 years ago

tranpduy87 commented 3 years ago

We recently want to use AMBER19SB with GENESIS version 2.0beta. However, we cannot use with the generated topology file from tleap.

Error from the log file: Read_Prmtop_Main> error! Please set %FORMAT line for all term. rank_no = 0

Input file:


[INPUT] prmtopfile = complex.prmtop # input prmtop file ambcrdfile = complex.crd # amber crd file

pdbfile = complex.pdb # pdb file

[OUTPUT] dcdfile = minim.dcd rstfile = minim.rst

[ENERGY] forcefield = AMBER # AMBER force field electrostatic = PME # Particle Mesh Ewald method switchdist = 10.0 # switch distance cutoffdist = 12.0 # cutoff distance

pairlistdist = 14.0 # pair-list distance

pme_nspline = 4 # order of B-spline in [PME] pme_max_spacing = 1.0 # max grid spacing

… and so on … `

What we found error come from:

In AMBER topology file, the FF19SB use CMAP term with include the following %COMMENT line after %FLAG in the CMAP_PARAMETER. The below is an example: %FLAG CMAP_PARAMETER_01 %COMMENT Gly CMAP %FORMAT(8F9.5)

Temporary solution: Delete %COMMENT … line