genesis92x / VcomAI-3.0

Vcom AI 3.0
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If player injured and in VCM controlled group, it chronologically plays healing animation #129

Open TapioOfTapiola opened 5 years ago

TapioOfTapiola commented 5 years ago

If player is injured AND in a VCM controlled group, it chronologically plays healing animation.

To Reproduce Start code from debug console: player setdamage 0.1; (group player) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true];

Every ~15 seconds the player stops and does a healing animation. The damage value does not seem to change.

Player should be excluded from such behaviour. But it may also be not desired on AI. I have seen them permanently doing this as well. If their damage value does not change, it is not only useless, but dangerous, because they are combat ineffective.

TapioOfTapiola commented 5 years ago

It's in the Steam addon version.

TapioOfTapiola commented 5 years ago

I think fn_HealSelf.sqf line 17 should be like:

if (!(isPlayer _this) && alive _this && {"FirstAidKit" in (items _this)}) then

genesis92x commented 5 years ago

Should be resolved now :)

gabriele2000 commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately it's not resolved... sometimes it still do it.