genesis92x / VcomAI-3.0

Vcom AI 3.0
75 stars 39 forks source link

script error in VCM_fnc_ClstWarn #135

Open shukari opened 5 years ago

shukari commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug

22:33:21 Error in expression <2 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
[(group _Driver), (_waypoint2 select 1)] setWayp>
22:33:21   Error position: <_Driver), (_waypoint2 select 1)] setWayp>
22:33:21   Error Undefined variable in expression: _driver
22:33:21 File \vcomai\Vcom\Functions\VCM_Functions\fn_ClstWarn.sqf [VCM_fnc_ClstWarn], line 106

To Reproduce cant, found in server log after mission

VCOM Version:

Additional mods used:

genesis92x commented 5 years ago

Hopefully fixed! Thank you for the report :)