genesis92x / VcomAI-3.0

Vcom AI 3.0
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Fix To AI Stealing Vehicles #140

Open LuizBarros99 opened 5 years ago

LuizBarros99 commented 5 years ago

My Feature Request Is A Possible Solution To (Friendly) AI Stealing Vehicles Basically AI when they see vehicles they go full on criminal and want it for themselves, however not always do they completely get into the vehicle, frequently you being gifted a few completely useless AI in your vehicle literally doing nothing more than taking up space.

Possible (best) Solution Lock Vehicle For Faction This suggestion would be to allow "Group Leader Players" to basically lock (empty) vehicles to their faction AI groups, so that "Full AI groups" from their faction/side don't simply try to steal said vehicle. However players should beware that HOSTILE AI (or MAYBE EVEN Civilians/Independent, and even "ROGUE/RENEGADE" AIs) may very well still try to steal said vehicle... (The "Lock Vehicle For Faction" should be opitional weather it affects ALL the friendly/neutral factions + Civs + Rogue/Renegades)

Alternatives I Have Considered Options that I have considered were 1st to have a way of IF only portion of a "FULL AI GROUP" (or "AI Group with NO PLAYERS in it") is inside of a vehicle that they were trying to steal (or in any vehicle for the matter), and a PLAYER (or an AI grouped to a player) tries to drive off with said vehicle, have the "FULL AI GROUP" members leave from said vehicle and regroup with their other group buddies.

However I can see this being potentially literally game breaking in certain situations where players want to transport other AI groups. Also this would not affect at all complete AI groups that are inside of a vehicle.

A "Lesser Worse" Alternative A slightly "lesser worse" alternative I have considered was to basically add an action to the interaction menu of Players that are group leaders, which basically would make them able to ask "full AI Groups" to get out of the vehicle. However I can see this being used to grief mission creators/curators.

Additional context The context that you need to know is that I am actually fine with even friendly AI COMPLETELY stealing my vehicle. However I simply can not stand having AI randomly get into my vehicle only to do nothing other than uselessly take up space.