genesis92x / VcomAI-3.0

Vcom AI 3.0
75 stars 39 forks source link

Not Quite A Bug, My Thread Cont. #143

Open Joshuwat opened 5 years ago

Joshuwat commented 5 years ago

Sorry to bother you with this and I know my report was closed, but I do not know if you get alerts that I post on a closed thread or not so I decided to post a new thread that you will hopefully will look at.

I have reloaded the CBA Vcom settings option like you said, (which I assume is unchecking the option, running the game with that setting, and then re-enabling it) and no changes have been made to the AI that I have seen; except for the fact that the sniper skill error I got is now gone. Massive reinforcements still come in, (Helicopters, Tanks, Trucks, you name it to go against a 4-man squad), and helicopters and cars still stay in one area after combat is over. I have also messed with the settings of the addon itself and I can't seem to get to lower the amount of reinforcements or make them adaptive to the Opposing Force, (even though it says it should be adapting on the steam page and other pages), it just moves all units within the certain area that I have the ability to change. Is there a way to add that option or something like that to be able to change the reinforcements' size and not just their distance? And is there a way to fix the vehicles staying in one area after combat is over?

I looked through all options and messed with them before I admitted my initial bug report, so I kind of know what I'm doing, but to me, reinforcement settings and some others seem slightly limited to me. Once again, I am extremely sorry to bother you with this and this is not to sound dickish in any way, although it might come out like that anyways. I would just like to get this fixed before my unit starts our Mil Sims.

Anyways, ignoring the few problems I am having, this mod is the best AI enhancer I have seen for Arma, and I love this mod and the work you have put into it. Thank you for bringing this to the Arma 3 community for all to use!

Joshuwat commented 5 years ago

If possible, can I connect my settings I have set for the server and you can help with adjusting the settings where needed? (Such as hearing distance to reinforcement distance, etc.)

SekiAlpha commented 5 years ago

Please don't cross-post man. I'm pretty sure you can just reopen your old thread, but either way, I still got the notification for your new post on the old thread.

Joshuwat commented 5 years ago

Yea, sorry about that, I just didnt see a reopen button anywhere and whatnot