genetic-tools / primerbench

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Add support for organizations/labs #5

Open GaretJax opened 6 years ago

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

@AnCaTjin I said a couple of weeks, but turned out to be quick enough to do right away. Initial Labs support is deployed, please let me know if everything still works for you (note that the URLs changed, so you have to start from here again:

We can then create new Labs (as many as you want :-P), but for now I have to do it as the creation feature is not implemented yet.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

Could you create a lab with the name "Molekulargenetik"? It looks like everythink is working as before. But what about the primer import and the M13 problem?

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

If you create a new lab, who can create new accounts?

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

For now just me, in the future it will be possible to fully manage ones own lab.

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

Do you also have a preference about the "slug" (only lowercase letters and -, will be used in the URLs)? Keep in mind that it's a global name and should not be too generic.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I am a little bit at a loss about your last comment. I tried to read about "slug", as far as I understand it is the last part of an URL that is readable and understandable for the user?

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

Yes, correct, basically the highlighted part of the URL: image

It's nice to have because you recognize the context of the page when only the URL is visible (compared to having a numeric ID for example).

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

I thought that was the description of the lab.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

So what do you want to use? There should be some description about the tool? About what it does?

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy with a name that uniquely identifies your lab (for example one you would say at a conference; "Molekulargenetik" would be too generic in such a case). I'll take care of the rest.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

Ah, now I get your point :) That should not be too long I guess. huge-wue

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

huge (short for Humangenetik) we often use these abbreviation, and than a tree letter code for the city.

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

Done, you should see the lab. Let me know if you want to change the verbose name.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

Great! I think the name is just fine. Are you going to create a new account as well, maybe one that has only access to the "Humangenetik Würzburg" primer?

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

Ideally every person has its own account... I'll be working on invitations this week, so that you can invite new people directly from the user interface. In the meantime, you can mail me the email addresses of the people which should have access and I'll add them manually.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

First I would try only one person, I will ask around who wants to try and tell you tomorrow. Is that ok for you?

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

Sure, that's ok :+1:

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

The first try from Eva was abandoned. She tried to load only a single primer. That apparently took a while (I don't know how long). And than she could not see the SNP frequency as there were multiple hits. I think the multiple hits could be a continuing problem. Although primers should not match to more than one sequence sometimes it is hard to avoid (and of course more difficult and time consuming). If the match is on a completely different chromosome that most likely does not cause trouble. Maybe you could do the blast as before but if forward and reverse have multiple hits, check if they both have a hit on the same chromosom and than only consider the hit on the mutual chromosom. In this example (COL4A2_Ex26) the forward primer has a hit on Chr. 13 and 21 and the reverse (I am guessing now, as there is no result) has a hit on Chr. 13 and 20. Than you could still display the alignment results and put the warning "multiple hit" but display the primer with SNP frequency and fragment length for the case both only map to Chr. 13.

GaretJax commented 6 years ago

That's good feedback. It will probably take a while to fix, as until now the analysis was done on each sequence independently, and this check requires to have both sequences in the same context.

I'll try to come up with something sensible.

AnCaTjin commented 6 years ago

Who has rights to create new labs?