geneura-papers / 2015_books

Paper on the book publishing prediction
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Make awesome plots to replace the tables. #52

Closed deantares closed 8 years ago

deantares commented 8 years ago

I need to know. What do we will compare?

We can compare "All attributes" vs "ReliefFAttributeEval-FS":


Or we can compare all the forecast methods between them for the different dataset (Publisher + Attribute selection):


Or we can make both of them. It's free!

For other hand. What metrics do we will use? In my opinion, to use metrics "high is better" (R square) and "low is bettler" (the others) in the same plot it's a mistake. We can handle a single plot for a interesting metric:


amorag commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I think we need more awesome plots... XD

7ossam81 commented 8 years ago

What do you mean @amorag ? another type of plots ?

amorag commented 8 years ago

No, I meant that we needed more plots (for old Tables 3 and 5), not just the one we had.

Antares has created them already, no, nomore plots are needed (just to fix a few little things). ;D