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Check out github Projects #129

Open jhornert opened 3 years ago

jhornert commented 3 years ago

github document on Project

hammyau commented 3 years ago

Justification/ideas for using Github Projects rather than the Jira.

We need to consider workflows and how to structure the Projects.

Where do issues come from/types. (-> Labels)

Within a Project the canned templates have some easy setups. The Kanban with review looks okay/ I think the simpler the better. We can also add labels to highlight state or development area ( a project can span repositories ) The boards automatically filter on labels or combinations of them.

There are also milestones... another time related grouping mechanism for issues.

Project permissions

Need to figure out who can move the issues around. Do we want to limit? Certainly to some extent. Any changes are tracked anyway.

hammyau commented 3 years ago

Another thing ... the projects etc can have an associated wiki. That may be a place to keep the internal documentation rather than via the Gatsby beast?

emorrow38 commented 3 years ago

I got the impression at the Scrum I attended that JIRA was used as an internal tools for the GERS project, whereas GitHub would be used as the universal public tool. I see that as sensible - the public issues will be different to our internal issues, because we have to juggle with the paid product (SAFR) as well as GERS. Surely we are concerned with the transition from SAFR to GERS where as the public only wants to know about GERS and what they can get. So let's go with both tools - JIRA for internal and GitHub for public issues.

AOrthVector commented 3 years ago

Internal documentation can be stored in JIRA Confluence. I plan on keeping some info in Confluence that I'm not sure should be public.