genforce / interfacegan

[CVPR 2020] Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs for Semantic Face Editing
MIT License
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Suggestions #70

Closed alan-ai-learner closed 3 years ago

alan-ai-learner commented 3 years ago

hey @ShenYujun can you please elaborate more about the steps that you have mentioned about creating our own boundaries, like Q1:-for collecting data how much data approximately we need, and all the images in the data set should be wearing sunglasses or we need the pair like the same person with or without sunglasses?

Q2:- as you said "scoring them regarding sunglasses" how exactly the process of scoring, like after collecting the dataset how we needed it?

Q3:- How can we extactly "choose balanced data with highest and lowest scores":?

Thanks .

Originally posted by @alan-ai-learner in