genghisken / ps1

Pan-STARRS and ATLAS code
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Confirmed SN still doesn't have IAU name weeks after promotion #184

Open astrofoley opened 3 years ago

astrofoley commented 3 years ago still doesn't have an IAU name although it was promoted weeks ago.

genghisken commented 3 years ago

Hi Ryan

Sorry for the delay - had 3 nights of observing, so was ignoring everything! Yeah - looks like the nameserver fell over so it never got a Pan-STARRS name, and I don't post objects with no name to the TNS. There are actually about 9 objects in that position, mostly from around the same time. Fix is not entirely straightforward, but I'll get it done by the end of the week, when I'm feeling a bit more human!

astrofoley commented 3 years ago

No problem! Happy new year and I hope you get some good rest.