gengteng / axum-valid

axum-valid is a library that provides data validation extractors for the Axum web framework. It integrates validator, garde and validify, three popular validation crates in the Rust ecosystem, to offer convenient validation and data handling extractors for Axum applications.
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Update axum from 0.6 to 0.7 #16

Closed gengteng closed 9 months ago

gengteng commented 9 months ago
bastibense commented 9 months ago

Just updated axum to 0.71 and everything seems fine except for some errors I get when trying to compile.

Apparently as soon as I use code like this:

/// Create a new news item for a given project.
async fn post_news(
    State(bs): State<Arc<BackendState>>,
    ExtractDeviceId(device_id): ExtractDeviceId,
    Valid(Json(dto)): Valid<Json<NewsNew>>,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, ApiError> {
    let (_, _account) = verify_device_and_account(&bs, device_id)?;
    let project = crate::projects::services::find_project_by_id(&bs, dto.project_id)?;
    let news = super::services::create_news_with_project(&bs, &project, &dto)?;

with the following errors:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `fn(axum::extract::State<std::sync::Arc<backend_state::BackendState>>, helpers::ExtractDeviceId, axum_valid::Valid<axum::Json<news::models::NewsNew>>) -> impl futures::Future<Output = std::result::Result<impl axum::response::IntoResponse, errors::ApiError>> {news::routes::post_news}: axum::handler::Handler<_, std::sync::Arc<backend_state::BackendState>>` is not satisfied
   --> src/news/
22  |         .route("/v1/news", get(get_news_for_project).post(post_news))
    |                                                      ---- ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `axum::handler::Handler<_, std::sync::Arc<backend_state::BackendState>>` is not implemented for fn item `fn(axum::extract::State<std::sync::Arc<backend_state::BackendState>>, helpers::ExtractDeviceId, axum_valid::Valid<axum::Json<news::models::NewsNew>>) -> impl futures::Future<Output = std::result::Result<impl axum::response::IntoResponse, errors::ApiError>> {news::routes::post_news}`
    |                                                      |
    |                                                      required by a bound introduced by this call
help: trait impls with same name found
   --> /Users/bbense/.cargo/registry/src/
198 | impl<F, Fut, Res, S, B> Handler<((),), S, B> for F
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
257 | all_the_tuples!(impl_handler);
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
265 | impl<T, S, B> Handler<private::IntoResponseHandler, S, B> for T
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: perhaps two different versions of crate `axum` are being used?
    = help: the following other types implement trait `axum::handler::Handler<T, S>`:
              <axum::handler::Layered<L, H, T, S> as axum::handler::Handler<T, S>>
              <axum::routing::MethodRouter<S> as axum::handler::Handler<(), S>>
note: required by a bound in `axum::routing::MethodRouter::<S>::post`
   --> /Users/bbense/.cargo/registry/src/
590 |     chained_handler_fn!(post, POST);
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----^^^^^^^
    |     |                   |
    |     |                   required by a bound in this associated function
    |     required by this bound in `MethodRouter::<S>::post`
    = note: this error originates in the macro `impl_handler` which comes from the expansion of the macro `chained_handler_fn` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

Apparently, something is not quite right with the return type that axum expects now.

gengteng commented 9 months ago


Try 0.12.0-alpha. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions, feel free to let me know, thx.

bastibense commented 9 months ago


Try 0.12.0-alpha. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions, feel free to let me know, thx.

Just tried 0.12.0-alpha and it seems to compile just fine now. Will report back if I see any other bugs or side effects.

Thanks for the quick response! 👍

bastibense commented 9 months ago

Awesome 🥳