genicam / harvesters

Image Acquisition Library for GenICam-based Machine Vision System
Apache License 2.0
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XML file not created #438

Open eli-osherovich opened 8 months ago

eli-osherovich commented 8 months ago

Describe the Issue I am following the FAQ instructions to dump camera's XML file, but it does not work

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: See the code below. After running it, there is nothing in /tmp/xml

Sample Code I can show a piece of code that demonstrates the reported phenomenon:

(venv38)$ HARVESTERS_XML_FILE_DIR=/tmp/xml ipython
Python 3.8.18 (default, Aug 25 2023, 13:20:30) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.12.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from harvesters.core import Harvester

In [2]: h = Harvester()

In [3]: h.add_file("/opt/mvIMPACT_Acquire/lib/x86_64/mvGenTLProducer.cti")

In [4]: h.update()

In [5]: h.device_info_list[1]
Out[5]: {'access_status': 1, 'display_name': 'Specim FX17e(70:f8:e7:b0:01:ae)', 'id_': 'FX17e(70:f8:e7:b0:01:ae)', 'model': 'FX17e', 'parent': <genicam.gentl.Interface; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'std::shared_ptr< GenTLCpp::TLInterface > *' at 0x7f85ec252570> >, 'serial_number': '076900035629', 'tl_type': 'GEV', 'user_defined_name': ' ', 'vendor': 'Specim', 'version': 'Version 0.3'}

In [6]: ia = h.create(1)

In [7]: ia.remote_device.node_map.DeviceTemperature.value
Out[7]: 45.4375

Expected Behavior According to my understanding of the FAQ, an XML file should have been created in /tmp/xml

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem; Note that it is not necessary to put everything as a screenshot! If the source is a text just paste the text because that is much helpful for us.



This phenomenon can be stably reproduced:

If applicable, please provide your observation about the reproducibility.

Actions You Have Taken

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

eli-osherovich commented 8 months ago

Update: after upgrading to Harvesters 1.4.2 the above folder is removed by harvesters...

Yasirsmb commented 4 months ago

Now using current version of harvesters how can we create xml file and save it in local directory