genielabs / HomeGenie

HomeGenie, the programmable automation intelligence
GNU General Public License v3.0
388 stars 154 forks source link

Appveyor #326

Closed davidwallis closed 5 years ago

davidwallis commented 6 years ago

This pull request adds support for automating the building of releases using appveyor... it currently works on my config but will need tweaking once you create an account on Appveyor..

I'm happy to configure this if you create the secure variables needed so It can push the releases and then delegate me some access.



genemars commented 5 years ago

Nice, I will look in to this (or similar CI) for the next HG release. It will be a minor release but it will prepare the road to the new HG. Can I ask you why did you choose AppVeyor. Is it free? Are the packages (deb, tgz, exe) being build correctly? Thank you.

Bounz commented 5 years ago

Hi @genemars, Nice to see you active on GitHub! Could you share your plans about HomeGenie here or on the forum? About Appveyor: it's free, it allows you to perform builds on Windows machines. It's possible to prepare deb packages with the help of wpkg utility. But I found it quite unstable because downloads of this utility failed in a half of builds. There is also Travis CI that builds projects on Linux and MacOS hosts. It supports C# via Mono and .Net Core ( During your absence, I configured builds on my own TeamCity server. It works well, but now I'm thinking about Cake-build script (, it will allow unifying build experience among platforms) and using Docker containers for isolating build environment. Every CI now supports building in Docker containers. Also, using Cake scripts and dockerfiles allow to represent the build process as a code, so it will be possible to place them under source control.

genemars commented 5 years ago

No special plans. I'll probably release a few fixes and bump to 1.2 (dropping the beta). I'm still waiting the right moment for writing a new smart-home controls UI. In the meantime the UI library is ready. I might look into Travis CI also to automate the build process for hg 1.2.

genemars commented 5 years ago

Just added both travis ci (deb+tgz) and appveyor (exe) scripts so this can be closed now.