genkgo / ember-localforage-adapter

Offline usage for Ember Data, based on localstorage adapter, but now uses Mozilla's localforage as data source
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Failure to find a record should reject the find() promise, instead attempts to push an empty record #2

Closed kibiz0r closed 10 years ago

kibiz0r commented 10 years ago

Given that I'm using an LFAdapter and no records exist, when I call DS.Store.find() with some type and id, then I should get a rejected promise.

Instead, the LFAdapter resolves with an empty record, and DS.Store complains about trying to push a hash with no id.

It appears that the guard at: ...should be applied regardless of allowRecursive.

genkgo commented 10 years ago

Could you confirm this bug is fixed now? There happends nothing with the current tests. If you have the time: could you create a test that proves the bug is not there anymore. Thanks again for contributing to this package.

genkgo commented 10 years ago

This issue is regarded as fixed. If problems still occur, the issue can be reopened.