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Integrate Anki with Yomichan #198

Open genkio opened 3 years ago

genkio commented 3 years ago


  1. Install Anki desktop version.
  2. Create a new Node Type (Tools - Manage Node Types) called Yomichan note-type and click Fields. Rename the current front and backside as Expression and Meaning.
  3. Rename the default card template to Recognition
  4. Create a new card template and name it as Production
  5. Populate card template:


<div lang="ja">{{furigana:Expression}}</div>

<hr id=answer>





<hr id=answer>




  1. Install Yomichan
  2. Load dictionaries


  1. Install AnkiConnect
  2. Verify AnkiConnect connection by visiting http://localhost:8765/
  3. Create a new Anki deck
  4. Go to Yomichan settings and create the mapping:
Deck → Yomichan, Model → yomichan Field Expression → {furigana-plain}, Meaning → {glossary-brief}

Reference material