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Adapt to stricter distinction between rx and rwx regions #334

Closed chelmuth closed 1 year ago

chelmuth commented 1 year ago

In the context of genodelabs/genode#4920 the read-write-executable right handling in the region-map API was tightened, so we have to adapt java, seoul, and libgo accordingly.

chelmuth commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 361c382c6105de3fb35fa511e8cd32ab7c21970a.

@ssumpf it seems src/app/jdk/patches/os_bsd.patch is no longer used. Can it be removed?

chelmuth commented 1 year ago

@ssumpf unfortunately, the commit above does not solve the issue for Java entirely. run/java still fails with the following error.

Error: EXEC violation at address 0x80008080 (rwx) by pager_object: pd='init -> java' thread='pthread.0' ip=0x80008080

It may be that a managed dataspace is involved that's not attached with executable rights. May you have a look?

chelmuth commented 1 year ago

@ssumpf I fixed the EXEC violation the same way as in vbox5. Now, the only open question is about os_bsd.patch above.

ssumpf commented 1 year ago

@chelmuth: Yes, we can remove it (0fcf9e9 my staging branch)