genodelabs / genode

Genode OS Framework
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os: multiplication wrap-around in `Area::count` #5201

Open jschlatow opened 2 weeks ago

jschlatow commented 2 weeks ago

During testing of the suspend/resume feature, I noticed that there is a potential multiplication warp-around in Area::count. The multiplication of width and height values is done as unsigned so that the multiplication can wrap-around and return an incorrect and too small value. The incorrect calculation of Area::count in this case fooled the RAM-quota check in nitpicker.

Note that b939358c36799d1f08a3e965831d8663d76e7043 already fixed the root-cause that triggered this issue (i.e. very large width/height) in the first place.

jschlatow commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed by 1bacd46