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write weekly summary for last week #11

Closed cmcnamara87 closed 7 years ago

cmcnamara87 commented 7 years ago

Write a post on the monarch operations page, look at my post from last week for an example:

Here is some extra info from julie:


Create a new weekly update issue in the operations repo. It should be a bulleted list at a high enough level to be useful to PI's, but should reference any relevant issues, PRs, or code so that technical members can dig in if needed. It should be given the issue label "weekly update" as well as any other tags relevant to the projects. The contents of the summary should cover: What you did last week (last Thursday to today) What you plan to do the coming week (tomorrow to next Wednesday) Tasks should be closeable within the week and also specific enough to be meaningful. A task called "work on X" is not as meaningful as "complete a draft of x for group review on Thursday". Blockers, concerns, especially anything requiring decision making by leadership Issue Management:

To keep the weekly updates tracker clean and current, please close old issues (before closing preferably comment if X anticipated task did not get done or is being tabled. Move all unfinished tasks to the next week's update Include your name in the ticket title Assign it to the milestone corresponding to the Thursday when the huddle is happening

davidyu85 commented 7 years ago

I can't access the link It is appearing 404 for me.

cmcnamara87 commented 7 years ago

@jmcmurry can we have @davidyu85 added to the monarch org?

jmcmurry commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-05-15 at 10 19 03 am
davidyu85 commented 7 years ago

Have you tried removing the @?

cmcnamara87 commented 7 years ago

@davidyu85 and @nguyen9301 can you please write your weekly summaries. Basically just do it every friday.

nguyen9301 commented 7 years ago

davidyu85 commented 7 years ago

Hi @jmcmurry, have you tried adding "davidyu85" instead of "@davidyu85"?

jmcmurry commented 7 years ago

oh boy, that was dumb. Thanks for the catch. Invite on its way.

davidyu85 commented 7 years ago

Thank you @jmcmurry All's good.