I'm using bamreadcount output as input for pVACseq.
The thing is that I'm using paired end data from DNA and RNA, and I warnings like:
WARNING: In read XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Couldn't find single-end mapping quality. Check to see if the SM tag is in BAM.
I'm filtering using the parameter -b 20.
I'm not sure how this is affecting the filtering. I'm guessing the filtering by quality position is not being affected by this.
But, What would happen if I was filtering instead by -b but by -q?
I'm using bamreadcount output as input for pVACseq. The thing is that I'm using paired end data from DNA and RNA, and I warnings like:
I'm not sure how this is affecting the filtering. I'm guessing the filtering by quality position is not being affected by this. But, What would happen if I was filtering instead by -b but by -q?
Thanks for your time.