genomehubs / genomehubs

Search and explore genomic metadata, Earth BioGenome Project progress and assembly features
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ensembl gene tree page not loading at #5

Open ajo2995 opened 6 years ago

ajo2995 commented 6 years ago;g=WBGene00004893;r=X:944939-948885;t=F53H8.4

rjchallis commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid we haven't run the gene tree pipeline yet so there are no gene trees for them to link to at the moment.

We certainly mean to add them but as we keep adding new assemblies, we've not frozen the list long enough to run the full gene tree pipeline. But we have just been playing with the pipeline to get it running more efficiently on our cluster so we should get the analyses run and have them added some time in the next few weeks.