Daymet (daily) and NOAA (hourly) weather data harmonized in terms of timing and units. Now organized to output the same variables: siteID, date, radiation (MJ/m2/day), max_temp (C), min_temp (C), precip (mm/day) , and vpd (kPa, NOAA only)
VPD could not be calculated for daily Daymet data due to non-linearity between temp and SVP.
There were 31 weather ensembles provided. Current script summarizes as the median.
Daymet (daily) and NOAA (hourly) weather data harmonized in terms of timing and units. Now organized to output the same variables: siteID, date, radiation (MJ/m2/day), max_temp (C), min_temp (C), precip (mm/day) , and vpd (kPa, NOAA only) VPD could not be calculated for daily Daymet data due to non-linearity between temp and SVP.
There were 31 weather ensembles provided. Current script summarizes as the median.