genouest / biomaj2galaxy

BioMAJ post processes to manipulate Galaxy tool data tables
MIT License
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biomaj2gal end up with bioblend connection error #4

Closed nagoue closed 3 years ago

nagoue commented 4 years ago

Hi @abretaud, Hope you're doing well!

Not sure if I post the issue at the right place ... let me know, if I should post somewhere else like data_manager_manual or bioblend github ? We are using Galaxy 19.09, a postgreSQL DB and the last biomaj2galaxy release.

When running bioMAJ with properties file containing biomaj2galaxy, I got the following log error :

INFO  [root][Thread-37] PROCESS:EXEC:GAL_dm_galaxy_dm:False
DEBUG [root][Thread-37] Process:progress:GAL_dm_galaxy_dm=False
DEBUG [root][MainThread] Meta threads are over
ERROR [root][MainThread] Error during task postprocess

GAL_dm_galaxy_dm.err file end up with :

File \\"lib/galaxy/web/framework/\\", line 282, in decorator\\n    
rval = func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)\\n  
File \\"lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/\\", line 135, in show\\n    
job = self.__get_job(trans, id)\\n  
File \\"lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/\\", line 135, in show\\n    
job = self.__get_job(trans, id)\\n  
File \\"lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/\\", line 475, in __get_job\\n    
return self.job_manager.get_accessible_job(trans, decoded_job_id)\\n  
File \\"lib/galaxy/managers/\\", line 56, in get_accessible_job\\n    
raise ObjectNotFound()\\nObjectNotFound: No such object found.\\n" 
"err_msg": "No such object found.", "err_code": 404001}', 0 attempts left: {"traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  
File \"lib/galaxy/web/framework/\", line 282, in decorator\n    
rval = func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)\n  
File \"lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/\", line 135, in show\n    
job = self.__get_job(trans, id)\n  
File \"lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/\", line 475, in __get_job\n    
return self.job_manager.get_accessible_job(trans, decoded_job_id)\n 
File \"lib/galaxy/managers/\", line 56, in get_accessible_job\n    
raise ObjectNotFound()\nObjectNotFound: No such object found.\n" 
"err_msg": "No such object found.", "err_code": 404001}

Part of my properties file look like this :

#Post-process configuration for BIOMAJ2GALAXY using data manager and data libraries,GAL_dl_gff3,GAL_dl_gtf

galaxy_dm.desc=Add files to Galaxy tool data tables
galaxy_dm.args=-v -f /storage/galaxyprod/.bm2g.yml add -d "${localrelease}" -n "ensembl triticum aestivum (${remoterelease})" --no-file-check -g fasta/all.fasta bowtie2:bowtie2/all twobit:2bit/all.2bit bwa:bwa/all bwa_mem:bwa/all star:star/all "hisat2:hisat2/all/${}" "blastdb:blast/dna/${}_dna:ensembl triticum aestivum dna" "blastdb:blast/cdna/${}_cdna:ensembl triticum aestivum cdna" "blastdb_p:blast/pep/${}_pep:ensembl triticum  aestivum pep" 

We have tried restarting Galaxy and Postgres services, modifications on Galaxy server in config/galaxy.yml like threads: 8 -> 1 offload-threads:8 -> 1

but that didn't solve the problem.

Any suggestions are very welcome.

All the best,

abretaud commented 4 years ago

¡Hola Nadia! That's... strange... Which version of bioblend are you using? (pip freeze) Is it a 19.09 with all the bug fixes from the branch? Did it ever work at some point with the same versions?

nagoue commented 4 years ago

bioblend==0.13.0 We did the upgrade to 19.09 this end of June. Should I look for special bug fixes ? It hasn't work well since the update :(

abretaud commented 4 years ago

No specific bugfix no, just that there were probably some fixes on this branch after the official release, so... it's best to be up-to-date Would updating to 20.01 be a problem?

nagoue commented 4 years ago

We usually prefer to stay one year behind the current release. We already updated from 19.05 to 19.09 to fix compatibility bug with biomaj ... It will take time before we can schedule an update to 20.01 from now and we are not sure that will solve the problem, right ?

abretaud commented 4 years ago

Yes, not sure if a 20.01 update would solve it. The error is quite strange, I never had something like this... Do you see anything special in the logs? Is there some data_manager job being run or not? Can you test if you manage to use bioblend to submit/track normal jobs?

nagoue commented 3 years ago

Hi @abretaud, Solving #6 helped me to go a step further. I posted an issue #3302 on galaxyproject/tools-iuc/ that maybe connected to the job error I now get. So I guess this is OK to close this issue ?

abretaud commented 3 years ago

Ok, let's close this one! Sorry for not being very responsive on that, it's hard to find the time to debug the current issue :/