[ ] Test access to the eventbus bridge with the anonymous user
[ ] Test uploading the same binary for nodes in-parallel. This might fail due to missing transaction isolation. (BinaryImpl with sha512 already created)
[x] Load children of nodes in which one node is not published. Load using version=published. Assert that only published nodes are listed
[x] Test executing a query on a system which has no microschemas
[x] Test reading a published node via GraphQL which has only read_published perm but no read perm
[ ] Test using API Token once a user has been disabled. This should not be possible.
[ ] Copy UserEndpointTest#testUpdateUsingToken and try the same usecase without the logout of the user. The user should be able to update the profile using the token.
[ ] Add test which checks that assigning schemas to branches is rejected if a downgrade is detected. (Prevent assign schema to 1.1 if 1.2 is already assigned)
[x] Test creation of a node which already contains binary field json with random hashsum in the field.
[ ] Test parallel fileupload on a single node. Each upload should target a different field. Assert that the uploads were all successful and no version conflict happens.
[ ] Test saving a emptystring slug and emptystring nice url field value
[ ] Test and validate JSON serialization for 409 conflict detection in multiple fields. All conflicting fields should be listed in JSON response.
[ ] Test backup within clustering environment
[ ] Custom mappings for the fields in binarycontent
. Assert that only published nodes are listedREST