gentics / mesh-vertx-example
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Missing resource #2

Open KnowledgeGarden opened 6 years ago

KnowledgeGarden commented 6 years ago

INFO: Connecting to Gentics Mesh.. Jun 06, 2018 9:14:20 AM io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager SEVERE: com/github/jknack/handlebars/io/TemplateLoader java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/github/jknack/handlebars/io/TemplateLoader at io.vertx.ext.web.templ.HandlebarsTemplateEngine.create( at com.gentics.mesh.example.Server.start(

Adding this to the pom.xml solved it:

com.github.jknack handlebars 4.0.7

but that's not the end of the story; I'll post a new issue which may or may not be related to this one.

Jotschi commented 6 years ago

@KnowledgeGarden Can you check whether you use the latest version? I just checked and the handlebars dependency is provided via the vertx-web-templ-handlebars.

Which JVM are you using?

KnowledgeGarden commented 6 years ago

1.8.172. Bringing down master again, building it in eclipse because does not come down with localhost, 8080, false vert for the client, AND, the pom file is missing the artifact found here:, it is now running.

KnowledgeGarden commented 6 years ago

It is now my intention to use that codebase as a framework for a different UI. Thanks!

KnowledgeGarden commented 5 years ago

Updated the pom to the latest Mesh version; the Server is now broken in terms of WebRootResponse now becoming MeshWebRootResponse which, when changed, propagates compile errors in handleImages due to resolvePath(path).subscribe(response -- that response doesn't show the download APIs

Jotschi commented 5 years ago

@KnowledgeGarden I updated the master branch. The example will now also work with the latest version of Gentics Mesh.

KnowledgeGarden commented 5 years ago

Had to add the com.github.jknack.handlebars reference to pom.xml to get it to boot (running inside Eclipse). Boots, then this: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: io.vertx.ext.web.templ.impl.HandlebarsTemplateEngineImpl$Loader$1.content(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String; at com.github.jknack.handlebars.internal.HbsParserFactory$1.parse( which is the same bug I was getting before. (but not on an older download of this example) I'm on a macbook pro, latest Eclipse, and using your Server as is, meaning it is using the online URL for a server. I downloaded the zip ball and confirmed that the Server code is what I see in the master branch online, updated "4 hours ago".

FWIW, all runs with this example show this in the log (console) SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".