gentili / RailDriver

Bukkit Plugin for automated mining and railroad construction machine
4 stars 2 forks source link

Register Raildrivers as "objects" within plugin #10

Open fyrenth opened 12 years ago

fyrenth commented 12 years ago

Just a concept I had rattling around in my head :)

The raildriver atm doesn't technically "exist" except when the switch is flipped and a structure check is made, only at that point is it verified as a complete item with all its rules/regs about how it operates etc.

Some requests for features are a bit more related to a more permanent registration of the vehicle such as:

With a suitable Economy hook in a driver could be purchased as a license as such, and the user can only register as many drivers as they have licenses for, and then add-on features to that license (protection, drill features etc..) could be configurable as extra charges.

Then when you have a license you build the driver and register it (and perhaps this is done by slapping a sign on the back which initiates the structure check and if okay registers the driver to the player).

Other things such as:

I believe can be done with the setup you already have, we just need to keep track of the player in the structure of the driver while its running.

gentili commented 12 years ago
fyrenth commented 12 years ago

Got a player in context of a RailDriver task now with my last merge, so performing a block break on behalf of that player during the RailDriver run will be next to ensure the player is permitted to break the block.

gentili commented 12 years ago

What's your planned behaviour if the block break is denied? RD shutdown with message?