gentoo-audio / audio-overlay

Gentoo overlay for music production
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Rework CI pipeline to use Docker containers? #521

Open NexAdn opened 1 year ago

NexAdn commented 1 year ago

This is intended as a continuation of the discussion in PR #512 (closed unmerged). Discussing such decisions is IMHO not something which should be done in a PR review, but in a dedicated issue.

In the original PR I replace the deprecated Repoman with pkgcheck and added a few more checks. To simplify the process, that PR migrates away from starting Docker containers on a machine runner and uses Docker runners with the prebuilt images from ::fem-overlay (fem-overlay, Dockerfile), which already provide a portage tree and all the required tools (including the fem-overlay-ci-tools required for the new manifest check) installed.

@simonvanderveldt was opposed to my changes, stating the following:

I replied with these arguments (not in the exact same order):

So, continuing the discussion here, am still in favor of using Docker runners with a prebuilt image (be it a Dockerfile in the gentoo-audio GitHub org or the fem-overlay-ci-image). I have used the approach with using a plain stage3 with emerge --sync before (GitLab CI didn't support volume containers without touching the runner configuration). While it does work so long as no big updates need to be installed, it is still very slow (even with binary packages). A pipeline with everything preinstalled can run in less than 10 seconds, while the current approach with installing everything in the pipeline (which is also used in #520) usually blows up the pipeline run time to over a minute (so basically 6 times slower). This is not that annoying for CI pipelines, since waiting for that one minute to pass is not that big a deal. However, we need to consider that these tests are also intended to be run locally. And I honestly don't have to wait for a minute each time I want to do a commit. Especially when doing a bunch of QA fixes or version bumps at once, this can easily blow up the development time by several minutes, causing unnecessary annoyances to the developers. Thus, I consider this approach unusable for local development, since there is a better alternative (running the tools locally without Docker or using a prebuilt Docker image).

What I can agree to is that running the pipeline commands locally with Docker runners is problematic. The script which is executed in the CI pipeline can't be run locally since it is not a shell script lying around somewhere in the repo. Using a machine runner that spins up a Docker container to do the work is an acceptable solution. But again, in this situation, I'd still favor using a prebuilt image for the reasons mentioned above, since it is basically the same situation as using a Docker runner and doing everything in the Docker container there.

Let me know what everone thinks about the matter. In any case, I'd like to keep this discussion open for a while so Simon has a chance to respond.