gentoo / dlang

[MIRROR] D programming language ebuild repository
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onedrive broken #94

Open latot opened 2 years ago

latot commented 2 years ago

Hi hi, I try to install one drive, but the sources of dmd does not exist any more.

Tested with dmd_2_096 to 2_093.


the-horo commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure to what problem you are refering. For my test bench both onedrive versions compile fine with the specified DLANG_VERSION_RANGE.

Could you post a log or detail a little more on the issue, specifically on what you mean by the sources of dmd does not exist anymore?

latot commented 2 years ago

Yes, that can be because you have already downloaded it from the sources, so to test it, you should empty your distfiles:

>>> Emerging (1 of 2) dev-lang/dmd-2.093.1::dlang
 * Fetching files in the background.
 * To view fetch progress, run in another terminal:
 * tail -f /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
>>> Downloading ''
--2022-04-28 11:56:51--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 24506488 (23M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘/usr/portage/distfiles/dmd.2.093.1.linux.tar.xz.__download__’

/usr/portage/distfi   0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s    in 1,9s    

2022-04-28 11:56:54 (0,00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying.

--2022-04-28 11:56:55--  (try: 2)
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 24506488 (23M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘/usr/portage/distfiles/dmd.2.093.1.linux.tar.xz.__download__’

/usr/portage/distfi   0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s    in 1,9s    

2022-04-28 11:56:58 (0,00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying.

--2022-04-28 11:57:00--  (try: 3)
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 24506488 (23M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘/usr/portage/distfiles/dmd.2.093.1.linux.tar.xz.__download__’

/usr/portage/distfi   0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s    in 1,9s    

2022-04-28 11:57:02 (0,00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Giving up.

!!! Couldn't download 'dmd.2.093.1.linux.tar.xz'. Aborting.
 * Fetch failed for 'dev-lang/dmd-2.093.1', Log file:
 *  '/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/dmd-2.093.1/temp/build.log'
the-horo commented 2 years ago

This doesn't seem to be a problem with the ebuilds as I think something is up with (note the https://) as it seems to give a ssl cerificate error.

However, I don't really know why your system doesn't download the files whereas mine does.

For a quick fix get the url for the dmd version you want to download, you can do that with emerge --fetchonly <your-dmd-version> and then:

cd /var/cache/distfiles
wget "<the-url-from-the-output>"

And then proceed with the installation as normal.

latot commented 2 years ago

Hi, is not working, the same error with wget, and from firefox, maybe the source is not there anymore.

The http, redirects to https.

the-horo commented 2 years ago

No, the source is still there. The problem is that in your set up all the http requests get redirected to https. To get past that with wget you can wget --no-check-certificate, or with firefox try to see if there is an Advanced/Accept risk and continue or something similar and go with that.

latot commented 2 years ago

The same thing:

localhost /var/cache/distfiles # wget --no-check-certificate ""
--2022-04-28 16:32:35--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 22825496 (22M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘dmd.2.096.1.linux.tar.xz.3’

dmd.2.096.1.linux.tar.xz.3                             0%[                                                                                                                      ]       0  --.-KB/s    in 1.9s    

2022-04-28 16:32:38 (0.00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying.
the-horo commented 2 years ago

That seems to be something particular with your setup. Try to force https:// maybe: wget --no-check-certificate "", or from a browser.

If that doesn't work either, try (it should be the same file). If that fails as well, I am out of ideas.