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ebuild for gtkglext-sharp #133

Open ArsenShnurkov opened 8 years ago

ArsenShnurkov commented 8 years ago

GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK+. It provides additional GDK objects which support OpenGL rendering in GTK+ and GtkWidget API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable. GtkGLExt provides a GtkWidget API that enables OpenGL drawing for standard and custom GTK+ widgets.

There are bindings to GtkGLExt for many programming languages: C# gtkglext-sharp

Like GTK+ itself, GtkGLExt is licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1. Repositories:

no ebuild for it:

ArsenShnurkov commented 8 years ago

Other alternatives SharpGL - (MIT)

"GtkGLExt is the library GTK+ 2.x applications used to integrate OpenGL rendering inside GTK+ widgets. it is currently unmaintained, and there is no GTK+ 3.x port. not only GtkGLExt is targeting outdated API inside GTK+, it’s also fairly tied to the old OpenGL 2.1 API and rendering model. this means that if you are using it, you’re also using one legacy API on top of another legacy API." (q)