gentoo / vmware

[MIRROR] VMware desktop ebuilds
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VMware Workstation 11.1.2-2780323 fails to build modules (kernel 4.1.6) - Failed Patch: 304-hardened.patch #12

Closed crcxx closed 8 years ago

crcxx commented 8 years ago

I am attempting to install vmware-workstation using the vmware overlay. I have included the emerge command and it's output, and gists including the patch output and the emerge info details.

The emerge command and corresponding output is:

emerge -av app-emulation/vmware-workstation [ebuild N ] app-emulation/vmware-modules-304.2 USE="pax_kernel vmci vsock"

Patch output: Emerge info:

eteran commented 8 years ago

Right, 4.1 and 4.2 are known to not work quite yet. However, if you MUST use 4.1, you can use the in kernel vmci and vsock modules and compile with USE="-vmci -vsock". I plan to work on getting 4.1 working fully somewhere around the second weekend of september

francoisjacques commented 8 years ago

Thank you @eteran. That works for me!