gentoo / vmware

[MIRROR] VMware desktop ebuilds
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Added vmware-workstation 11.1.0 #4

Closed nicolasbock closed 9 years ago

nicolasbock commented 9 years ago


this is still somewhat rough. I have added workstation 11.1 and a patch for the modules for kernel 4.0*. I have successfully built the modules under 4.0.4 with the mainline vmci driver.

I couldn't figure out how module versioning works, and simply bumped the modules to 280 (which is probably not quite correct). Also, it seems that VMWare dropped x86 support, and I have removed all references to x86.

Please have a look and let me know how/what I can improve...


eteran commented 9 years ago

I've been on vacation, but now am back. I'll take a look at this shortly. I am honestly not sure at all how the vmware modules are versioned. The internal manifests show wildly different version numbers. For example, the VMWare 11 manifest.xml file that I've seen for vmware-vmx says it's version 7.1.2.

I'd like to find out how the versioning is supposed to work before doing a merge, but otherwise, great job based on a quick look.

nicolasbock commented 9 years ago

Just as a data point, this still works on 4.0.6. I haven't tried 4.1 yet since the broadcom-sta drivers doesn't run with that kernel. Since gentoo-sources is at 4.0.5 now, we might not have to worry about whether the patches work with 3.x.

eteran commented 9 years ago

Since I'm currently running a 3.19 kernel I'll have an opportunity to test the patches. If it is too much of a hassle to get them working right on 3.x, I think it may be fair to just say that "vmware-workstation 11 requires a kernel >= 4.0" or similar.

Thanks again

eteran commented 9 years ago

Just a follow up. With a few tweaks I've been able to get this package to compile with 3.10 - 4.0 in my system! I also had to add an init script for it. Also, it needed some extra patches for those who are not using the in kernel vsock/vmci.

Also, I've found the number convention for the modules; turns out it's the version number found in the vmmon module headers (and is 304 for vmware 11).

Unfortunately, this version, really doesn't want to compile for kernels other than the one currently running as far as I can tell, so I've setup a Gentoo VM where I'm going to install a LOT of kernels and use snapshots to test things. Once I've confirmed that it's all working smoothly, we can expect a vmware 11 ebuild very soon. I predict this week depending on real life work load :-).

Thanks again for the patches, really got the ball rolling!

eteran commented 9 years ago

just did a push to the vmware overlay for vmware 11.1. Should compile and function correct on kernels 3.10 - 4.0 (4.1 compiles but with some warnings that indicate that it may not function correctly).

Closing this request since I manually massaged a bunch of things.

Thanks so much for your patches. They laid the ground work to get things done.