genuine-engineering / wifi-iot-core-hw

IoT Core hardware combined STM32 + ESP8266
11 stars 6 forks source link

Project Definition and Goals #16

Open mariobehling opened 7 years ago

mariobehling commented 7 years ago

Very interesting! Could you help me to understand this better.

wifi-iot-core-hw. Hardware is designed with KiCad

wifi-iot-core-stm32-fw. Firmware for STM32, based on libopencm3

wifi-iot-core-esp8266-fw. Firmware for ESP8266, based on Espressif SDK 2.0

tuanpmt commented 7 years ago

Hi Mario, Thank you for your interest The main project is iot-core, wifi-iot-core is just one part of it. Include:

All projects focus on connectivity

I want to develop this hardware platform for any individual or organization to apply it to mass production, the cost of transforming from prototype to production is smallest. These designs were selected as the common design and standards for IoT applications.

About wifi-iot-core: wifi-iot-core-hw: What is the goal of the hardware? What are the use cases? (from README)

ESP8266 is an amazing but cheap wifi chip. However it has many limitions, such as: no USB, limited analog interface, few I/O etc, while applications which are developed on it often need USB-Serial communication. Therefore many ESP8266-based modules in the world are added USB-TTL chip. While this brings some value to developing work, the value is just little in practical use. The design in this Wifi IoT Core project uses the cheap STM32, with USB interface, to ease development, and complements many other features which are missing in ESP8266.

wifi-iot-core-stm32-fw What are the changes to libopencm3?

It is based libopencm3 such as HAL library and implementing functions such as usb-cdc basic, adc ... SLIP to server command for ESP8266

wifi-iot-core-esp8266-fw What is the differences to the Esspressif firmware?

It is based Espressif NONOS SDK 2.0, which ability to control STM32 and realize the features necessary for the IoT application: FOTA, smartconfig, file system ... Espressif only provide sdk, not application firmware

Frankly, this project is like a combination of boilerplate projects prepared for the IoT production 😄