genuinetools / img

Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder.
MIT License
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Respecting -t and -o flags simultaneously during img build #313

Open karolmie1 opened 3 years ago

karolmie1 commented 3 years ago


Right now, I'm trying to run img build -o type=docker,dest=image2.tar -t myimage:latest .

Unfortunately I have to split this into two commands: img build -t myimage:latest . and img save myimage:latest -o image2

Problem is when I'm loading the image created with the first method, I'm loading image that is not tagged, while when I do the same docker load on the result of the second command I am blessed with properly tagged image.

Is this easily fixable in the tooling, or something that's not even possible to pull of currently? I would be interested in taking this up, provided I'm pointed in the general direction.