geo-data / cesium-terrain-builder

A C++ library and associated command line tools designed to create terrain tiles for use in the Cesium JavaScript library
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why cesium can not display the terrain? #110

Open Brilliant-orange opened 11 months ago

Brilliant-orange commented 11 months ago

There was a problem loading the terrain in cesium. The cesium globe displays normally after removing the terrain. In cesium1.96, chrome displays the following error: Cesium.js:85 An error occurred in "Py": Failed to obtain terrain tile X: 0 Y: 0 Level: 0. Error message: "RangeError: Invalid typed array length: 8894653434" Cesium.js:85 An error occurred in "Py": Failed to obtain terrain tile X: 1 Y: 0 Level: 0. Error message: "RangeError: Invalid typed array length: 2017542741"

cesium code like this: var terrainProvider1=new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({ url:"http://localhost:9000/" }); const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", { baseLayerPicker: false, imageryProvider: imageryProvider, terrainProvider:terrainProvider1 }); viewer.scene.globe.enableLighting=true;

However, in the latest cesium, chrome does not output any errors and just does not display the globe. How can I solve this problem? @homme @thomas001 @chris-cooper @tmizu23 @kyosho-

bingo-soft commented 11 months ago

@Brilliant-orange I faced the same problem. Unzipping generated tiles solved the issue for me.

alan14alashti commented 10 months ago

@Brilliant-orange I faced the same problem. Unzipping generated tiles solved the issue for me. @bingo-soft Would you mind tell us how did you do that? I have this problem and i don't know how to unzip terrain files. thanks.

juedao7 commented 10 months ago

写.terrain时,不能用gzwrite,那样写不出正确的.terrain,而是用fwrite方式. 修正如下:在terraintile.cpp中改写

void Terrain::writeFile(const char fileName) const { FILE terrainFile = fopen(fileName, "wb");

if (terrainFile == NULL) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to open file");

// Write the height data,float应该是4 * TILE_CELL_SIZE
//if (gzwrite(terrainFile,, TILE_CELL_SIZE * 2) == 0)
if (fwrite(,  sizeof(i_terrain_height),TILE_CELL_SIZE, terrainFile) == 0)
    throw CTBException("Failed to write height data");

// Write the child flags
if (fputc(mChildren,terrainFile ) == -1) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to write child flags");

// Write the water mask
if (fwrite(mMask,sizeof(char), mMaskLength,terrainFile ) == 0) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to write water mask");


} / void Terrain::writeFile(const char fileName) const { gzFile terrainFile = gzopen(fileName, "wb");

if (terrainFile == NULL) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to open file");

// Write the height data,float应该是4 * TILE_CELL_SIZE
//if (gzwrite(terrainFile,, TILE_CELL_SIZE * 2) == 0)
if (gzwrite(terrainFile,, TILE_CELL_SIZE * sizeof(i_terrain_height)) == 0)
    throw CTBException("Failed to write height data");

// Write the child flags
if (gzputc(terrainFile, mChildren) == -1) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to write child flags");

// Write the water mask
if (gzwrite(terrainFile, mMask, mMaskLength) == 0) {
    throw CTBException("Failed to write water mask");

// Try and close the file
switch (gzclose(terrainFile)) {
case Z_OK:
case Z_ERRNO:
    throw CTBException("Failed to close file");


poorGiser commented 9 months ago

@Brilliant-orange I faced the same problem. Unzipping generated tiles solved the issue for me. hello?how to unzip the .terrain file?

q8f13 commented 5 months ago

@Brilliant-orange I faced the same problem. Unzipping generated tiles solved the issue for me. hello?how to unzip the .terrain file?
